Benefits and Ethical Considerations of Technology Use in Dementia Care

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What is dementia?

Making plans, carrying out daily tasks, and interacting with others can be challenging for people with dementia, which is memory loss that gets progressively worse. There’s a chance that it will be challenging for you to recall recent events, specific words, or things’ names. A person’s mood, judgment, and personality can all be impacted by dementia. The leading factor causing dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. Plaques and tangles, deposits that are made of damaged tissue, accumulate in the brain. This might result in the death of nearby brain cells. Blood vessel damage or blockage is the usual causes of vascular dementia. Small strokes or the loss of brain cells may result from this. Your lifestyle and health conditions, such as those listed below, do have an impact on the degree of dementia you develop.

  • Stroke heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Lack of exercise can all make you more likely to develop dementia if you

Dementia is a broad term that refers to problems with thinking, remembering, and reasoning that can impair a person’s ability to function safely. Because dementia can have a variety of causes, patients who exhibit signs or symptoms should undergo a thorough examination to determine the underlying diagnosis. Dementia is a neurological condition in which a person’s cognitive and functional abilities gradually deteriorate more quickly than would be expected from biological ageing. Dementia patients eventually become completely reliant on the cared for all of their needs.

Benefits and Ethical Considerations of Technology Use in Dementia Care 

Technology is quickly changing the nature of dementia care, from tracking devices to social robots. A variety of cutting-edge technologies are now available for dementia sufferers and their care to use to help with daily tasks, symptom management, and more. New technologies are constantly being created and entering the market, with benefits such as potential advantages such as increased autonomy and improved safety for people with dementia.

Along with managing their lifestyle, it’s important to protect and keep safe patients with severe dementia or those who live alone. Embedded sensors are necessary to accomplish this. For instance, information from sensors tracking motion, humidity, location, gas leak, flood detection, smoke, and constipation is used to track the activities of dementia patients at home. These systems can alert cares or medical staff automatically if a fatal event occurs, such as wandering, falling, or a kitchen emergency.

Helping dementia patients maintain their independence is essential for a high quality of life, even though lifestyle management and security are advantageous for them. Cognitive and functional abilities need to be restored in this context. Patients undergoing cognitive rehabilitation therapies like multi-sensory therapy, stimulated presence therapy, and reminiscent therapy can benefit from tools based on technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). Alzheimer’s patients’ daily living skills, including cooking, cleaning, feeding, dressing, grooming, using the bathroom, drinking water, and grocery shopping, can be improved through home-based training with robots.

Despite the excitement surrounding innovation, it is important to keep other ethical implications in mind beyond dementia technology’s potential benefits. While monitoring technologies like video observation can help keep older adults safe, doing so may come at the expense of their privacy and independence.

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