For hospitality projects, we value customization, agility, and quality at AAA Furniture. “Can we please sit in a booth?” most customers inquire at restaurants. Customers are always looking for a restaurant that not only serves delicious food but also has exceptionally comfortable booths. This blog will discuss four tips for choosing the best custom-made booth for your restaurant.
1. The restaurant’s size:
Use booths to maximize the space in your restaurant. Mural booths are preferable if your restaurant is relatively small because they reduce waitress/waiter collision and encourage flow. If your restaurant is large, however, it is best to have different types of booths with head rolls and end caps to maximize the space you have.
2. Standard measurements:
It is critical to consider the dimensions of the booth if you want your customers to be comfortable! The table’s edge should be parallel to the booth’s edge. This tip will assist in providing a comfortable depth.
3. Quality:
When it comes to choosing the right booth, you have two options. There are two types of foam: solid foam and spring foam. Spring foam is preferred by restaurants because it allows customers to easily enter and exit their booths. In addition, vinyl is less expensive than fabric for booths. Unless you use our collection of treated fabrics, the fabric can absorb drinks and meals. In our finishes section, you can also choose from a large selection of vinyl.
4. Positioning:
Booth placement is critical because it is a factor that customers will consider when choosing your restaurant over another. It is preferable to have booths and tables along the restaurant’s walls because this leaves space in the middle of the restaurant for movable tables and chairs. This tip is useful when considering customers who use wheelchairs because it allows them to move around. We can incorporate this and other suggestions into your hospitality projects. Our design team will guide you through the entire process to ensure that your furniture is adapted to the colour and style that best suits your spaces. AAA Furniture has a large selection of furniture. While keeping product customization in mind, designed and produced on time and within budget.